Stefano Tempesta


Stefano is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP on AI and Business Applications. A regular speaker at international conferences, including Microsoft Ignite and Tech Summit, Stefano’s interests extends to blockchain and AI technologies.

Talk: A pizza ordering bot in 20 minutes, live on stage. Pizza not included!

In this session, I’ll build a pizza ordering bot with Azure Bot Services in 30 minutes, live on stage. No pressure, challenge accepted!

We will see what makes a conversational bot a great bot, how to connect to channels for an improved conversation experience, meet existing bots and enable them to interpret and interact in a human way. And we will enhance the user experience with actions like greeting customers after they start chatting, or providing a personalised menu. Our aim is to get the bot deliver our favourite pizza by thinking that we are interacting with an actual human being.

Pizza not included, sorry!

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